Project management

Overview of week 1:

Principle and Practices

  • To sketch a final project idea which in our mind.

Project management

  • Work on gitlab for our version control.
  • Build a portfolio website and do the proper documentation then commit in the git repos.
  • Signing a student agreement.

Final Project ideas:

1st Iteration idea

To create the underwater drone for the sea exploration. The drone has the camera and it capture the live video for the operator who is operating the drone movement. The Drone has the arms like octopus, is used to work the underwater environment versatilely.

  • 6 motors for 8 DOF
  • Tethered wire connection
  • External hand - Octopus hands
  • Camera Integration with lights

Project management:

Learning HTML and CSS

This is the first time I going to make a website, at first, I don’t have no idea how to start and what are the things need to do and what are the things I should learn to build a website.

I refer some online tutorials for how to do make the website and end up with some basic ideas with how to code the HTML. Every file should save in .html format.

HTML is the bone structure of the webpage, by using it we can do the format we want. Further making it into colourful page we just need to dive into CSS.

CSS is the stylesheet of webpage, by using it we can create and manipulate the webpage which is we want. For CSS file the format should save as .CSS

We need to connect the two files for final webpage creation, by coding it into the HTML file.

Further I learnt the codes by w3schools website, it really very useful for the beginners like me. Its practices are very standart to do and explore the multiple possible ways.

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

VS Code is a open source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is very useful for develop the variety of programming codes.

I have the vs code already in my system, if you want to download it here is the
link . I did the practice by following the tutorial instructions in vs code software.

Then I create my own website with the knowledge of what I learnt by those tutorials. First I created a Folder in my file explorer, and came back to vs code and open the folder and created the files name as index.html and stylesheet.css

I create the boiler plate and start to written the title, paragraphs, navigation bars which is I want in my web design. Further code a css file too, I set the colours, text style, text size, margins, background, etc…

Finaly I create this web design which is I planned for my portfolio profile in Fab academy, but I ended with one problem later, that is the windows size is changing according to our display which is we used. I notice this problem in my design and know about the bootstrap, whether I can’t use that I will face the problem may often.

Though I have no time to do the changes in my web design according to the bootstrap, at that time I feel low. After get the idea form my instructor then I have the temporary solution for this problem.

I download the existing free templates from the online and do the changes according to my idea which is I preplanned, here is the
link of free template I consumed for my webpage.

I add on some emojis from w3schools in the html code for good impression to my webpage.


I create the weekly assignment page by using Notion, with the help of that I’m able to do the webpage design as joy part. There are many options in the Notion, we can create the templates whatever we want and can get the html format regarding what the designs we done.


Git Bash

To start with Git bash, for the windows command line to communicate with Git.

Create the SHH key in the Git lab to commit the Git bash to the local repos.

These are the key commands we should know how to operate the gitbash for host our files into the respective respo at gitlab and our local files.